Downhill Coaching
New to the sport or interested in refining your skills? Ride with an experienced coach

Downhill Coaching

New to the sport or interested in refining your skills? Ride with an experienced coach
Mountain biker with guide

New to the sport or interested in refining your skills? Ride with an experienced coach. Half-Day lessons last 3 hours, available at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Availability is weather-dependent. 

Bike Coaching - rates as low as Full-Day Lesson Half-Day Lesson
Private Lesson (includes 2 participants) TBD TBD
Group Coaching Session (ages 7 & up) -- TBD
Group Coaching + Half-Day Adult Rental* (includes bike haul ticket) -- TBD
Youth Coaching + Half-Day Junior Rental* (includes bike haul ticket) -- TBD

*Includes Bike Insurance. Junior/Adult bike rentals are determined by bike size rather than biker's age.

Please add 4% tax to all rates. Limited availability, reservations required.